Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lentil growing at home

There is a Big Experiment going on here. Growing Lentils!
Over the past couple years I've been curious about growing lentils. In Eastern Washington there is a big commercial lentil growing area. But I have been unable to find ANY information about growing lentils on a small scale. I realize its likely way too late to get any mature lentils, but there was this bare spot of garden, and this jar of lentils, and......... you get the idea.

A week ago I planted these, that was July 10. With lots of hot weather and a couple thundershowers, they popped right out of the ground. being legumes, I thought they would have more of a pea leaf, but we'll see. I've been told that lentils don't like "wet feet" such as our high ground water, so it will be interesting to see how they do.

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