Fun With Rowcovers

Here in Montana, at 4000' elevation and a 27 - 85 day growing season, it is sure helpful to learn about extending the season at either end. Being the tinker-er that I am, I have been studying and trying many different things to get an early start in the garden, and to keep things going as long as possible in the Fall.

The latest paraphenalia this year is using row covers. I got a roll of AG-30, which has 70% light transmission and 4 - 6 degrees of temperature improvement. It has been a thrilling addition to our garden !!

This is the beginning of the garden season. I set this up at the same time I planted transplants in the greenhouse. Kind of crazy, but a good test of rowcover. There was two layers of row cover on it, plus some plastic because it was pretty windy. With this set-up, the temp under the rowcover was 10 - 12 degrees warmer than outside. Planted underneath are a few each of broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Later I added another row right alongside with more of the same, plus Bok Choi, Tokyo Mizuna, Napa cabbage, Kale and Radishes.